Evren and the Kurdish issue

Recently deceased former President Kenan Evren not only represented a military coup. Also, September 12th did not only consist of the military overthrowing the government. Evren and September 12th are equivalent to crimes against humanity.

Tortures, executions, mass arrests, missing people…

The left-wing believes that September 12th was conducted against them.

However, the target was all the political movements, the whole country and identities.

However, if there was any privileged group between those; then it was the Kurds.

That period's young military judge, Ümit Kardaş, had logged the following testimony on a TV show I hosted: “Council members visited the Diyarbakır Officer's Club, gathered all the military judges and prosecutors and told them; 'The nation's future, safety and perpetuity is in question. That's why you will approach this matter with another pair of glasses, in other words, illegitimate glasses.' This was the most important message given to the judges and prosecutors. I was acting as a military prosecutor in Edremit in 1980. On July 1980, I had been assigned to the Diyarbakır martial law prosecution. In other words, a couple of months before September 12th, I started to carry out my duty there. All of the suspects that came in front of me were tortured….

There were implementations in the Diyarbakır Prison conducted by the headquarters commander officer and the warden. This was a formidable situation…

Everyone was systematically tortured. They used to take anyone passing through the street, working in the field, hanging outside the market into custody and torture them for 90 days in custody. This period merely became the provocateur of all the incidents, tensions, deaths and conflicts. Of course, unavoidably, the number of PKK militants was raised from 1500-2000 to over 10,000 after these implementations.”

Indeed, the Diyarbakır Prison starkly summarizes the Kurdish policy of the September 12th period and this policy's technical details and results.

Another witness who attended that TV program was; İrfan Babaoğlu…

He was thrown in prison at the age of 18, stayed in prison for 20 years between 1980 and 2000, and spent his first 8 years of imprisonment in Diyarbakır. Babaoğlu was explaining the role played by the Diyarbakır Prison from the viewpoint of the PKK as follows;

“During the hearings, they used talk about how they were going to the prisoners and how they will torture them. After shouting, “Quick march! Everyone back to duty!” they used to sweep their truncheons on the bars, open the doors, call out anyone they want, send anyone they want outside to get fresh air. The tortures would start under the name of education. And in this way, - let's say there are 21 ventilations - 60 people would start making noises as of 9 o'clock.

It was said that Diyarbakır turned into a factory to send people up to the mountains (reference to joining PKK). As of the result, it was correct….

However, in that period every place was like the Diyarbakır Prison. All the villages, towns and savannahs…

Every tree in the village square was a torture place; a place where people were hanged. In villages, stripping men naked in front of women meant death for those men, and they were torturing them like this…

When we visualize the annihilating and exterminating moves they've applied against the Kurdish people, September 12th had been a great factor in the establishment of this movement, in its progress and helped them find a community base.

In the 80s, after seeing this oppression, the only resort was to go up into the mountains. If there had been no coup in the 80s, if the Kurdish people were told that they had rights, maybe this movement wouldn't have developed this much. Even if this was an attempt to develop the movement, maybe they couldn't have grown this much…”

Only between 1981 and1984, 34 people died in the Diyarbakır Prison due to being tortured. Diyarbakır Prison, where a total of 88 prisoners died, had taken its place in the Top 5 “world's most merciless prisons” of Times Magazine.

This is one of Evren's legacies.

This is the legacy which Turkey should be purified from and confront.

The marks of “why the Kurdish issue is not only an armed issue” lie here.

#Kenan Evren
#Military coup
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Evren and the Kurdish issue
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